Do you ever wish there was a way to keep track of your budget, hassle-free? Well, you’re in luck - there's an app for that*. Apps make it easy to track your latest purchases on-the-go and stay within your budget with the click of a button. As a tech savvy generation, we know Quarterlifers crave instantaneous financing options, which is why we’re breaking down the best financial apps for you. These headache-free apps will help you keep your sanity, while showing your finances who’s boss:
- Delta Community Mobile Banking App. Our very own mobile banking app is a free, downloadable app available to all of our members. If you have online banking access, our app allows you to take all of your account information with you wherever you go. It features tools that allow you to check your account balances, schedule bill payments, transfer funds and locate ATM and branch locations. Our app is secure, fast and convenient and will allow you to access your account information anytime or anywhere that you have access to the internet. Our app is available for iPhone (App Store) and Android (Google Play). Blackberry users can also access our Mobile Banking through their phone’s Web Access Portal (WAP).
- Mint. Millions of people have jumped on the Mint bandwagon to manage their on-the-go finances. Mint is a free app that provides a central location to keep track of all of your accounts and credit cards. Mint acts as a financial magician, tracking and analyzing your spending to generate a reasonable budget for you. The app monitors all of your credit card and checking account spending and will even send you an alert via email or text when your cash reserves are running low.
- BudgetTracker. BudgetTracker is another free, online expense solution. This app allows you to track your accounts and spending, and schedule income all with the click of a button. BudgetTracker features tools to compare interest rates on numerous accounts, track credit card balances and manually enter or download transactions. BudgetTracker also conveniently allows you to scan receipts, tag transactions with categories, create email remainders and more.
- HomeBudget with Sync. If you are trying to sync your expenses with other members of your family, this app is for you. Although it has a $4.99 price tag, it may be a small price to pay for hassle-free family finances. HomeBudget’s main feature is its ability to sync finances from multiple people at multiple locations. The app acts as an online coordinator, updating all finances in real-time, while keeping track of all expenses so you can create a complex budget for your family.
So, toss your pen and paper to the side and start budgeting your finances the tech savvy way. Don’t let your busy life lead you to a financial crisis, find the financial app that best suits you and start managing your finances today.
* Data rates may apply. See your service provider for details.