Youth Savings Tips and Activities

children in a classroom


Savings Activities for Elementary School

  • Ask your parents to help you open your own Savings Account at Delta Community Credit Union. Keep track of how much money you put in and take out. That way you can see how close you are to meeting your savings goal.
  • If you're saving up for something special, like a new bike or toy, hang a picture of it on the wall. This will remind you of your savings goal every day until you reach it.

Savings Activities for Middle School

  • Ask your parents if you can plan a family event, like a trip to the zoo or an afternoon at a waterpark. List all the things that will cost money—like tickets, food and souvenirs. Set a budget, and encourage everyone to stick to it when the big day arrives.
  • Make a list of things you want to spend your money on. Put the list in order, starting with the things you want the most. This will help you figure out what you really want to save up for.

Savings Activities for High School and College

  • Consider taking on a part-time job. Earning your own money can help you save for big goals, like car or college expenses.
  • Open a Checking Account at Delta Community. Learn how to use a debit card responsibly and track transactions. Those skills will come in handy now and in your financial future.

Tips for Everyone

Learning to save money takes practice. By saving, you can spend money on what's important to you—whether that's a new video game, a trip to the movies, a used car or even a college education. Check out our savings tips that will be helpful whether you're 5 or 25.

  • Set reasonable goals.
  • Save first, not last. As soon as you get your paycheck, your birthday money or your allowance, put part of it away in savings.
  • Track your spending and your savings. People who track their spending soon find they spend less and save more.
  • Be a bargain hunter. When you do spend money, make sure you check for the best bargain. Watch the price tags, not the brand names at the store.
  • Ask questions! If you have questions about money or saving, ask the professionals at the Credit Union. They’re ready to help you.